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my confession

back to the year of 2017-2018, the worst years ever in my life when i did so many unexpected bad things and some negative emotions during that time. That was my lowest point which i never imagined would happen.

It is really true what people have said, that life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes you are in the top, and then you go downward and back again to the top. life is pretty much a crap shot. endless roller coaster of pleasure and suffering. wondering why pleasure taught me nothing but craving for more pleasure. suffering on the other hand, drown me into deep stress that i cant cope with.

and because of this, i am too familiar with depression, sadness, guiltiness and self-isolation. these things just make it worse. I started to not knowing my self-concept. what was i trying to look for? i've lost my self. and no one noticed my broken soul.

i keep going because i have to. i choose to be okay because i have no choice. No matter how bad i felt, i have to suit up and show up for life even if i have to fake it. most people dont care about my problems. some friends in fact are happy when knowing we are in trouble. thats why i often talk and have a conversation with my other self inside me. like i have two or three different personality chatting inside my brain. i go over this fucking shits all the time.

i have to play all of my role wisely like an actress. i have two daughters who need their lovable mature mom to look after them, i have my mom and dad who expect their cheerful daughter is always OK, i have my friends who think i am too cool to be hang out with and mrs LOL (fake laugh, most of the time!) and when i backed home after LOL time, i cried again even louder. So i wear different fucking masks everyday.

it took an act of God who had helped me. as always. Allah SWT helps me out of such ruts. i started avoiding them. eventually i tried to believe in my self and keep convincing that i can be happy within my self and not being influenced by other things out of me which i can not control.

now i spend less time on social media for a while, and giving my self more time for contemplating. reading many books and praying are another healing therapy. i was an ambitious girl since a teenager and now it even gets doubled as i set a very high goal for my life. my ambition is not of money, but more for a self-actualization. This is also a way to heal my "mental illness" (figured it out since i googled that all the symptoms i had was pointing out to it)

*sentul 2.30 AM


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curhatan subuh

26 februari 2012. minggu subuh. pukul 5.08 menurut jam yang tertera di lappi ku. aku masih berada di RS BMC sejak kamis lalu, sejak caca my princess terbaring dikamar 213 ini. Malam ini aku menjaganya sendirian dan sedari tadi belum tidur.. eh sudah sih tadi cuma 1 jam dan kemudian aku ga bisa tidur lagi.. miss my bed room at home.. sebetulnya aku paling suka jam-jam subuh begini, rasanya waktu seakan berhenti dalam keheningan. alam semesta sedang bermain cinta dan menangis bahagia. tetesan air matanya jatuh bak embun pagi disetiap helai daun. kesunyian yang sangat kunikmati. jam-jam kontemplasiku, mereview kembali hidupku. sambil dengerin kahitna (teteeuppp) dan semakin sempurna ketika suara azan subuh memanggil. btw jam segini aku nyoba lanjutin cerita pendekku tp ga berhasil. moodku lagi ga enak. gara-gara... hmm i wouldnt write dat here deh ;-) senyamannya rumah sakit tetap saja terasa ga nyaman. kamar yang aku ambil di RS ini mayan bagus. kelas suite dgn tarif sejuta/m

my fussy mind

intermezzo lagi!! hihihi.. yupss my mind has too much thoughts! it constantly keep talking and talking inside even when i look quite outside ;) akibat terlalu banyak yang dipikirin, aku jadi suka menuangkannya dlm bentuk blog diary & short story... tapi entah ya, beberapa short story yang kubikin seringnya tidak selesai. no ending. i dunno why. dun even know how to end dat. ini yang jadi masalahku hingga aku tak pernah mampu mengirim karyaku ke media cetak. karena belum selesai satu cerita, aku sudah mulai buat cerita baru gara2 ada ide baru lain lagi.. akhirnya yang lama tidak kulanjutkan.. it happened often! *sigh* biasanya aku membuatnya disela-sela waktu dirumah, diperjalanan, saat menunggu, jadi memang tidak pernah mengkhususkan waktu untuk menulis. maybe dat's the point ya, maybe i should have one day special for writing only ;) will post one of my un-finished short story yaa after this.. one day I'll continue writing it again.. i do :)


tiba2 aku jadi kangen sama mamaku.. saat aku membaca puisi ini... "a mother is the truest friend we have when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us when diversity takes the place of prosperity when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness and cause peace to return to our hearts" (washington irving) banyak sekali yang bisa kuceritakan tentang sosok super woman yang tidak pernah lelah mengurus keenam anaknya, walaupun ditinggal suami bertahun2 untuk berlayar, menjaga anak2 sendirian, tanpa pembantu.. itulah mama. Mama adalah manusia yang terpaksa dewasa diusia dini. karena pada umurnya yg baru 2 tahun, ia telah kehilangan ibu kandungnya. Pada saat beliau masih SD, mama harus merawat adik2nya dan membantu kakekku mengurus rumah juga memasak. Bayangkan, usia yang seharusnya dipakai untuk bermain, dan bermanja2